EPA has stated that you may use any EPA-approved training video for your sector to satisfy the training requirements.
Worker and Handler Training Videos
WPS Training DVD for Agricultural Workers and Pesticide Handlers--English or Spanish PURCHASE HERE
EPA Approved Handler Training video English
EPA Approved Handler Training Video Spanish
EPA Approved Worker Training Video English
EPA Approved Worker Training Video Spanish
- Save or Download Here Spanish: Right-click the link to "save as..." or "Download as..." to save a local copy on your computer.
Worker and handler training Videos: ORCHARD
Safety in the Orchard Videos for Workers: English or Spanish
Safety in the Orchard Videos for Handlers: English or Spanish
Worker and Handler Training Videos: Greenhouse
Safety in the Greenhouse Videos for Workers: English or Spanish
Safety in the Greenhouse Videos for Handlers: English or Spanish
Worker Training Videos: Forest
Pesticides in Forestry for Workers: English and Spanish
- Save or Dowload Here English: Right-click the link to "save as..." or "Download as..." to save a local copy on your computer.
- Save or Dowload Here Spanish: Right-click the link to "save as..." or "Download as..." to save a local copy on your computer.