CFAES Give Today
Pesticide Safety Education Program

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Drones: How to Scout for Weeds & Pests

    See attached flyer for details. ...

  2. International Student Blog

    to grow well in small fields. However, from a food security standpoint, small farms with every crop ... Integrated Pest Management –Collaborative Research Program (IPM CRSP). Thereafter, AEDE department offered me ...

  3. Caring For Your Christmas Cactus

    native species produced in the 1840’s.  The original plants came from a small area near the coast in the ...

  4. Spruce Up Your Home with Holly-day Sprigs

    there, he built his holly reputation and backyard operation, which was housed in a small, barn-like ... structure, Lybarger said. Each winter, a small potting table in the building was used to preserve, bag and ...

  5. Three ways to learn about Lake Erie science while on vacation

    hidden near the building. The geocache is a small hidden container with its geographic coordinates ...

  6. Chow Line: Whole grains a whole lot better (for 7/14/02)

    Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman chowwholegrain.pdf False False False False False False ...

  7. Chow Line: Work some soy protein into diet (for 3/16/03)

    Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman chowsoy.pdf False False False False False False False False False ...

  8. Chow Line: Weigh fish advisories against fish benefits (for 6/6/04)

    Extension nutrition associate in the College of Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin chowfish.pdf ...

  9. Chow Line: Waxy or mealy? Choose spuds wisely (for 2/16/03) Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin chowpotatoes.pdf False False False False False False False False ...

  10. Chow Line: Weigh all factors to determine fat (for 9/15/02)

    the College of Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin chowchicken.pdf False False False False ...
