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Ohio State University Extension


Pest Management

Pest Management Resources

Insect Pest Management Guide

Michigan State University / Ohio State University Field Crops Insect Pest Management Guide - This guide contains information on the biology and management of field crop insect pests in Michigan and Ohio. Content is available for several agronomic crops: field corn, soybean, wheat, alfalfa, grass forage, dry beans and sugar beets. 

Turf & Ornamental

OSU Turfgrass - extension/outreach on turfgrass science at Ohio State University

Sports Turf Program - provide timely educational information to the turfgrass industry nationally and internationally and promote the educational opportunities available as an OSU

Turfgrass Disease - the purpose of this web site is to update you about the important turfgrass diseases, as well as inform you of new research findings in the area

Buckeye Yard & Garden On-line (BYGL) - provides timely information about Ohio growing conditions, pest, disease, and cultural problems

Insect Fact Sheets - resources for insect managament for turf and ornamentals

Industrial Vegetation

Ohio Department of Transportation guide to managing noxious weeds -Includes some common invasive species in addition to those on Ohio’s noxious weed list

Greening Highways - resources for weed management on roadsides

Ohio Woodland Stewards Program - promotes stewardship across the woodlands of Ohio through classes, professional workshops, and publications

Agronomic Crops & Seed Treatment

CORN Newsletter (Crop Observation & Recommendation Network) - a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry - navigate through the Agronomic Crops Network link, above).

Agronomic Crops Network - resources for field crop pest management

Field Crop Diseases - fact sheets, bulletins, images, recommendations, and newsletters about diseases of field crops in Ohio

New! Fungicide Use and Economics in Field Corn - recorded webcast by Dr. Pierce Paul, The Ohio State University

Field Crop Insects - reference information about insects commonly found on field crops in Ohio, including insecticides that are labeled for the various pests

OSU Weed Management - Information about weeds and herbicides for the agricultural community

General Pest Control

Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force - general information about bed bugs including prevention and treatment

Let's Beat the Bed Bug - Univeristy of Minnesota

Insect Resources - a list of resources for insect management from the OSU Entomology Department

Horticultural Pest Control (Fruit & Vegetable)

Fruit and Vegetable Study Guide - manual for studying in preparation to be an Ohio Pesticide Applicator in Fruit and Vegetable Crops.

Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide - provides conventional pest management recommendations for fruit producers throughout the Midwest and surrounding states (free download available, or hard copies are available for purchase)

Midwest Tree Fruit Handbook (OSU Bulletin 506A) - provides guidance in regards to spraying tree fruits in the Midwest.

Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook (OSU Bulletin E861) - handbook that serves Midwestern fruit growers and contains information on small fruit production methods.

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide - summarizes currently suggested fertility, cultural, and pest management techniques and tools for commercial vegetable growers in the Midwest.

VegNet - Ohio State University information on vegetable crops

Fruit ICM - resources on integrated crop management for fruit pest management

Commercial Fruit & Vegetable - information on integrated pest management in fruit crops on commercial farms

Ohio Fruit News - newsletter to provide fruit growers with the most current and relevant information for managing diseases, insect pests and weeds affecting all fruit crops produced in Ohio.

Ohio Grape Web - resources for pest management in grape production

Fruit Pathology - information on diagnosis and control of fruit crop diseases for Ohio fruit growers

Vegetable Pathology - information on supporting healthy and safe vegetable production

Fruit & Vegetable Safety - information on the growing need for food safety planning on the farm

Vegetable Production System - support on the use of high tunnels in growing vegetables, fruit & vegetable quality, plant grafting, and more

Fruit & Vegetable Team - The Ohio State Vegetable Team strives to focus and organize both personnel and material resources to address the needs and interests of the vegetable industry in Ohio and the Midwest

Viticulture & Enology - Ohio State Extension and Outrech for wine-making and grape-growing

Forest Pest Control

Ohio Woodland Stewards Program - promotes stewardship across the woodlands of Ohio through classes, professional workshops, and publications

Greenhouse & Interior Plantscape

Floriculture Newsletter - provides Ohio's Floriculture Industry with the resources necessary to attain sustained profitability and international competitiveness

Ohio State Floriculture - Ohio State's Floriculture team focuses on providing the floriculture industry with support through a program called Extension Reloaded


Ohio Woodland Stewards Program - promotes stewardship across the woodlands of Ohio through classes, professional workshops, and publications


Purdue University Post Harvest Grain Quality & Stored Product Protection Program

Animal Pest Control

Livestock Building Resources - includes information about fly control, manure management, and animal composting

Aerial Pest Control

Aerial Application Technology - Kansas State University, information and resources about the application of pest control products

Tobacco Sucker Control

Burley Tobacco Extension - University of Kentucky information regarding tobacco production