PEP-Talk Archives
2018 Volume 21
- Issue 1, September 2018 - Glyphosate and Cancer in the News Again, New Requirements for Paraquat, and Chlorpyrifos History and Current Status Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry
2016 Volume 20
Issue 4, October 2016 - New Worker Protection Compliance Manual is Available, Heavy Bee Kill in North Carolina from Aerial Spraying, Atrazine Review, What’s Going on with 2, 4-D and Dicamba-Resistant Cropping Systems?, Big Chemical Companies Get Bigger, Zika Team and Website, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, July 2016 - Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop, Opportunities for farmers to dispose of pesticides, EPA-approved Revised Worker Protection Standard training materials, EPA restricitions on Paraquat, Scotts Company drops neonicotinoids from Ortho products, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, May 2016 - Zika Virus Special issue. This issue of PEP-talk summarizes information about the potential Zika virus threat to Ohioans that was presented at an April 26, 2016 conference sponsored by the Ohio Department of Health.
- Issue 1, March 2016 - Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide Rule Changes, Ohio Department of Agriculture Gypsy Moth Program, The Revised Worker Protection Standard, Preliminary Findings from EPA’s Pollinator Risk Assessment of Neonicotinoid Insecticides, Another Twist in the Dow Enlist Story, EPA Proposes to Revoke all Food Residue Tolerance for Chlorpyrifos, U.S. Court Strikes down EPA’s Approval of Sulfoxaflor, EPA Issues Notice of Intent to Cancel Flubendiamide Products, New Fact Sheet on Nozzles, Upcoming Events
2015 Volume 19
- Issue 3, October 2015 - EPA Revises the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), EPA Proposes Changes to the Certification and Training of Pesticide Applicators, California Proposes Classifying Glyphosate as Cancer Causing Agent, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, July 2015 - Pollinator Updates, Revised Worker Protection Standard – Looking Ahead, Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry, Ohio Pesticide Disposal, Protecting Your Cats and Dogs from Pesticide Poisoning, Upcoming Events
- Issue1, March/April 2015 - Training for General Pest Control New Applicators, New Herbicide-Resistant Crops, EPA Releases, Assessment of Soybean Seed Treatments, Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Certification Update, EPA Registers the Active Ingredient Flupyradifurone, Paraquat Poisoning Incident, Comment Period Extended for Corn Rootworm Management, New Website for Minimum-Risk Pesticides Created, Upcoming Events
2014 Volume 18
- Issue 4, July 2014 - Fertilizer Certification Signed into Ohio Law, Worker Protection Standard Comments Extended Until August 18, EPA Releases Pollinator Guidance, Fatality from Aluminum Phosphide Misapplication, Online Course for Airblast Spraying, Kaminski Joins Ohio PSEP, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, May 2014 - EPA Comment Period Open for Dow’s Enlist Duo Herbicide, Legally-Valid Labels, Available on the Web, EPA Responds to Advocacy Groups’ Petition, 2015 Commercial Conferences Announced, Personnel Changes at Ohio PSEP, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, March 2014 -Pesticide Applications in Community Gardens, Comment Period Opened for Worker Protection Standard Changes, What is the Worker Protection Standard?, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, February 2014 - Sensitive Crop Registry Update, Proposed Changes to Worker Protection Standard, EPA Considers Assessment Guidelines for Off-Site Drift, Pesticide Labels and Changes to Federal Hazard Communication Standard, Journal Article Retracted from Food and Chemical Toxicology, Ohio Gypsy Moth Resources Available, Upcoming Events
2013 Volume 17
- Issue 4, September 2013 - Apps for Choosing Nozzles, Companies Promoting Cedar-Oil-Based Treatments Settle with FTC, Commercial Recertification Conferences Planned, Comment Period on Federal Bed Bug Strategy, Extension Educators Invited to Attend WDI Training, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, June 2013 - Website Resource for Pesticide Safety Education, Reducing Drift: Newest Pesticide Stewardship Module, 2013 Educator Inservice, Prostate Cancer Possibly Associated to Four Pesticide Products, Mobile App for Pesticide Product Searches, Wal-Mart Fined for FIFRA Violations, Pesticide Crop Watch- New Active Ingredients, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, March 2013 - EPA Plans to Distribute Pesticide Labels through Websites, New Study Guide for Ornamental Pesticide Applicators, EPA Proposes to Clarify 25(b) Pesticide Products, Worker Protection Standard Resources for Ohio Growers. Pesticide Safety Training, EPA Publishes Bed Bug Resources for Consumers, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, January 2013 - Azinphos-Methyl Cancellation Order Amended, Controlling Bed Bugs: Special Update, Soil Fumigation Training Requirement, Recertification Season Offers Meeting Opportunities for Private Applicators, Registration Open for Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conferences, Syngenta Aquires DuPont Insecticide Business, Pesticide Crop Watch – Hop Guard Section 18, Upcoming Events
2012 Volume 16
- Issue 5, August 2012 - Label Changes Coming Soon for Chlorpyrifos, Mosquito-borne Diseases Surge in Ohio, EPA's Framework for Pollinator Rick Assessments to be Discussed, Researcher Falsified Data Regarding Pesticides and Parkinson's Disease, Stakeholder Input Regarding Endangered Species during Pesticide Reviews, IPM Guide for Multifamily Housing, New Dean for OSU College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, June 2012 - Apps for Tank-Mix Calculators, Maintain the Pesticide Product’s Identity, Time to Calibrate Mosquito Foggers, Minor-Use Crops Web Page, Bug-bomb Foggers Ineffective for Controlling Bed Bugs, Winter Commercial Recertification Conferences Announced, Pesticide Crop Watch – Roper DF Rainshield (Section 24c SLN), HopGuard (Section 18 exemption), ametoctradin, cold pressed neem oil, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, May 2012 - Pesticide Labels Available Online, Avoid Drift Situations, Disposing of Residential Pesticides, Non-Agricultural Pyrethroid Label Changes, Household Fogger Safety Video Available, New Insect Repellent Web App, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, April 2012 - Pesticide Containment Rule Update, Rodenticide Labeling Revised, 2,4-D Re-Evaluated, Again, Applicators Need to Heed Bees, Resource for Consumer Pesticide Questions, Pesticide Information, Available on, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, February 2012 - Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. Fined $4.5 million, Bed Bug Product Efficacy Meeting, Source of Morgellons Not Known, February Begins New Applicator Classes, WDI Training in April, Soil Fumigation Label Implementation, Litigation Beginning for Bed Bug Infestations, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
2011 Volume 15
- Issue 11, December 2011 - Recertification Season Offers Meeting Opportunities for Private Applicators, Registration Open for Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conferences, Ohio EPA Updates Website with NPDES Materials, Interim Director Announced for the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Pyrethrins/Pyrethroid Cumulative Risk Assessment, New Fabric Technology Becoming Available, Pesticide Chemical Search Available on EPA’s Website, Pesticide Crop Watch - Minor Crop Groupings, Upcoming Events
- Issue 10, November 2011 - Ohio Finalizes Permit for Pesticide Application Discharges, Educator Inservice on December 7 & 8, Private Recertification Training Registration, U.S. EPA Initiates Cancellation of Certain Rodenticide Products, Phosphorus Issues in Ohio, Ohio Home Fires in Attempt to Control Bed Bugs, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, September 2011 - Review Schedule for Pyrethroids and Pyrethrins, October Deadline Looms for NPDES Permits, Arrests Made for Illegal Pesticide Sales in Chinatown, SPECIAL ISSUE – PESTICIDE TOLERANCES -- What are Pesticide Tolerances?, Pesticide Residue Data Report, Homemade Pesticides, Dirty Dozen Rebuttal, EPA Denies Request to Revoke Tolerances -- Pesticide Crop Watch - Activist Group Seeks to Ban Atrazine, Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, August 2011 - EPA Issues Stop Sale Order for Imprelis, New Regulations in Effect for Refillable Containers, WDI Training in September, West Nile Virus Update, Pesticide Crop Watch – Registration Review for Chlorpyrifos, Upcoming Events – Farm Science Review
- Issue 7, July 2011 - Possible Plant Damage with Imprelis, Ohio Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy Released, Comments Sought on Biological Opinion from NMFS, Senate to Vote on Bill Regarding NPDES Permits, “Like” Us on Facebook, Consumer Resource for Pesticide Questions, Nanoscale Materials in Pesticide Products, Pesticide Crop Watch – 24C for Spartan, Dicofol, Revus Top, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, June 2011 - Rodenticide Risk Mitigation Decision, License Requirements for Bt Mosquito Larvae Control, 24(c) Label Needed Before Application, Software Identifies Crop Stages for Pesticide Application, License Still Needed for 25b Pesticides, Winter Commercial Recertification Conferences Announced, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, May 2011 - Reminders for the Spraying Season, Protecting Bees in Ohio, Private Recordkeeping Books Available at eStores, Pesticide Crop Watch - 24(c) labels for: Ridomil Gold SL and Quadris Flowable Fungicides, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, April 2011 - NPDES Extension Granted by Court, Public Comment Period Open Regarding Spanish-Language Labels, Pesticide Labels Available at NPIRS, Warning Issued by EPA Regarding Fast Ant Bait, Dates Set for 2012 Commercial Recertification Conferences, Christmas Tree IPM Manual Developed, Pesticide Crop Watch [24(c) label for Indar 2F & Iodomethane], Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, March 2011 - Beal Named Chief of Plant Industry, NPDES Update, Comment Period Open for Web-Distributed Labeling, Industry Wins Misbranding Action Ruling, Illinois Implements Restrictions on Turf Phosphorus Applications, Report Shows Decline in Pesticide Use, Fewer Pesticide Incidents in Agriculture, Indictments in Utah Fumigation Deaths, Pesticide Crop Watch – Review Session for Pesticide Registrations, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, February 2011 - Controversial Label Language Revisions, Unauthorized Release of Clothianidin Documents Stirs Bees' Nest, February Begins New Applicator Classes, Lawsuit Filed Against EPA Over the Endangered Species Act, Pesticide Crop Watch - Sulfuryl fluoride, mythomyl, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, January 2011 - Draft Available on Ohio Pesticide Application Permits, Indiana Adds Agriculture Fertilizer to Pesticide License, Opposition to Web-Based Pesticide Labels, EPA Establishes Final Rule for Minor Crop Groupings, Court Clears Way for Atrazine Lawsuits, Minnesota Finishes Special Review of Atrazine, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
2010 Volume 14
- Issue 10, November 2010 - Private Category Changes, Educator In-Service Reminder, New York Restricts Outdoor Pesticides at Schools, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, October 2010 - Private Applicator Category Changes, Dates Set for Educator In-service, Winter Commercial Recertification Conferences, Welcome to Jennifer Hill, Implementation of New Measures for Soil Fumigation, Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans Submitted to USDA, Pesticide Crop Watch - Endosulfan & Resmethrin,
Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, August 2010 - Legislation Introduced Regarding NPDES Permits, When Cleaning Products Become a Pesticide, National Core Manual Available in Spanish, CDC Biomonitoring Report Available, Legislation to Require Cholinesterase Test Reporting Pending in California, Pesticide Crop Watch, Aldicarb Uses to be Terminated, Rotenone, Upcoming Events
- Issue 7, July 2010 - Farm Pesticide Collections, Supreme Court Rules on Roundup-Ready Alfalfa, EPA Denies Petition to Cancel Carbaryl, Melanoma Update from Agricultural Health Study, EPA to Review 75 Active Ingredients for San Francisco Bay Area, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, June 2010 - EPA Begins Comment Period on Proposed NDPES Permits, Hand Sprayer Calibartion Steps Worksheet, Study Makes Assertion that Organophosphate Exposure May Contribute to ADHD, Application Limitations in Northwest Cause Controversy, Pesticide Container and Containment Labeling Extension, Biotech Plum Registered as Pesticide, Winter Commercial Recertification Conferences Announced, Pesticide Crop Watch - Endosulfan, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, May 2010 - Methyl Parathion Registrations Cancelled, Toxicity Database is Online, Rodenticide Manufacturer Files Suit Against EPA, EPA Launches New Bed Bug Website, Workshop Focuses on New School Regulations, Pesticide Crop Watch: Emerald Ash Borer 24(c) Label Withdrawn, Contraceptive Approved for White-Tail Deer, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, April 2010 - New Restrictions Announced for Phosphine Fumigants, Roundup Ready Sugar Beets Planted for Now, New Labeling Requirements for Bug Bombs, Heart Attacks Not Associated with Pesticide Exposure, EPA Insect Repellent Website, Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, West Nile Virus Summary Report from 1999-2008, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, March 2010 - Supreme Court Denies Request for NPDES Permit Review, EPA to Increase Restrictions on Flea and Tick Products, Pesticide Safety Education Program Advisory Meeting, Utah Family Affected by Fumigant, New Name for EPA Office, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, February 2010 - Ohio Asks for Emergency Exemption for Bed Bug Control, EPA Cancels Bayer Product in Response to Court Ruling, Minnesota Does In-State Review of Atrazine, New Pesticide Publications for Consumers, Worker Risk Assessment Comment Period, Report on Human Exposure Released, Pesticide Crop Watch (Ohio 24(c) for Emerald Ash Borer Control, Crop Grouping for General Tolerance Regulations), Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, January 2010 - Supreme Court Review Sought on NPDES Permits, Draft Guidance on Pesticide Drift Labeling Comment Period, Comments Sought on Petition to Evaluate Children's Exposure to Pesticide Drift, Study Shows Pesticide Decline in Corn-Belt Rivers, EPA Proposes to Disclose Pesticide Inert Ingredients, Pesticide Crop Watch - Carb
2009 Volume 13
- Issue 10, November 2009 - Pesticide Applicator Training Educator Inservice, Online Lessons for Pesticide New Applicator, Atrazine: Timeline for New Evaluation, Testing for Hormone Effects Announced by EPA, Repairs to Pesticide Containers, New Jersey Township Not Liable for Contaminated Soils, Illinois Study of Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder, Pesticide Crop Watch – Disulfoton, Methamidophos, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, September 2009 - Update on the NPDES Permits for Pesticide Applications, Contacts for OSU Extension Areas, Dates Set for Educator Inservice, Study Says Pesticides Not Cause of CCD, Farmers to Receive Settlement for Drift Damage, West Nile Virus Update, Pesticide Crop Watch - Important Tolerances, Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, August, 2009 - ODA Adopts IPM Standard, ODA Issues Pesticide Use in School Rule, Organic Arsenical Cancellations, Atrazine Update on EPA Website, Oregon Cuts Pesticide Use Database Funding, Grower Groups Request Hearings about Carbofuran, Jarrod’s Law Repealed, Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force Website, Pesticide Crop Watch – Malathion, PCNB, Upcoming Events
- Issue 7, July, 2009 - Farm Pesticide Collection Dates, Pyrethroids and Pyrethrins Information Site, EPA Creates, Pollinator Protection Team, Malaria Vaccine May Be Coming, Agriculture Health Study Update, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, June, 2009 - New Requirements for Soil Fumigants, New Application Technology Resources, Two-Year Stay Granted by Courts for CWA Permitting, Iowa Aerial Applicators Required to Have Consultants, 2007 Michigan Pesticide Illness and Injury Surveillance, Virginia Institutes School IPM Law, Lawyer in Pesticide Exposure Case Could Face Charges, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, May, 2009 - Ohio Recordkeeping Changes, Ohio Pesticide Rule Changes for Commercial Turf Applicators, New Private Applicator Core Exam, Pesticide Chemicals to go through Endocrine Disruption Testing, Plant Pathologists Respond to Plant Health Claims on Labels, USGS Releases Well Study, First Endangered Specie Bulletin Posted, Bed Bug Summit Summary Available, Pesticide Crop Watch-Carbofuran Cancellation, Endosulfan, Carbaryl, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, April, 2009 - NPDES Permit Requirements for Pesticide Water Applications, Bee Colony Collapse Disorder, EPA Plans to Use Ag Health Study Results, Organic Updates, National Bed Bug Summit, Canadian Concern over Homemade Pesticides, Advisory Committee Meeting May 8, Pesticide Crop Watch - carbofuran, biopesticides, Chemtura, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, March, 2009 - GPS Pesticide Application Tracking System, WDI Training for Spring,Bees Protect Plants from Caterpillars, Proposed Budget Increase for EPA, Ontario Bans Home and Garden Products, Update on Clean Water Act Court Case, Wisconsin Clean Sweep Program in Jeopardy, Pesticide Crop Watch - Neonicotinoids, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, February, 2009 - EPA Introduces Plan for IPM in all Public Schools, Pollution Permit Needed for Aquatic Pesticide Applications, Columbus Commercial Recertification Conference February 25, Buffer Recommended to Protect Salmon, Trained Serviceperson and Core Training for Commercial Applicators, Pesticide Crop Watch - Organic Arsenals Agreement, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, January, 2009 - 2,4-D Ban Open for Public Comment, Carbofuran Cancellation Process Ignites Controversy, Website for Veterinarians to Report Pet Incidents, New EPA Fumigation Restrictions Raise Concerns, Quebec Pesticide Ban Challenged, Oregon Pesticide Monitoring Threatened by Budget, Dayton Recertification Conference January 21, Trained Serviceperson and New Applicator Training for Commercial Applicators, Pesticide Crop Watch - Malathion Uses Terminated, Upcoming Events
2008 Volume 12
- Issue 11, December, 2008 - European Union Looks at Banning Some Pesticides, Organic Pasture Rule Proposal, Study Links Allergies to Cockroaches and Mice, Field Crops Conference December 17, Pesticide Crop Watch - Wood Preservatives, Upcoming Events
- Issue 10, November 2008 - 2, 4-D Resistant Grapes, Final Rule on Pesticide Container and Containment Regulations, Report on Total Release Fogger Exposure, Ten Year Study on Pesticides in Ground Water, Pesticide Information in Spanish, Inservice Reminder, Pesticide Crop Watch - Nictoine, Carbaryl, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, October 2008 - Extension Educator Inservice, Commercial Recertification Conferences, WPS Violations by Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture, "99 Cents Only" Stores Face FIFRA Fines, EPA Drops Cause Marketing and Third-Party Claims, Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, September 2008 - Dates Set for Educator Inservice, Farm Science Review, Soil Fumigation Safety Measures, Insect Resistance Causes Suspension of Pesticide Sales, Organic Ginger Found to Have Pesticide Residue, Golfer Exposure to Pesticides on Golf Course, Report on Insect Resistance to Bt Crops, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 7, August 2008 - Pesticide Disposal Dates for Clean Sweep Program, End of Year for Commercial License, Growers Need to Watch Bee Advisories, NAFTA Technical Working Group on Pesticides, USDA Amends Organic Product List, Atrazine Study Focuses on Hormone Function, Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection, Coastal Waters Show Decline of Contaminants, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, July 2008 - ODH Establishes Healthy School Regulation, Seed Treatment Results in Bee Deaths in Germany, CDC Releases Heat-Stress Death Report, Agriculture Health Study Looks at Diabetes, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, June 2008 - EPA Releases Rodenticide Risk Mitigation, Analysis Completed on Recalled Scotts' Products, Farm Bill without Pesticide Discrimination Provision, Bed Bug Legislation Introduced, Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, May 2008 - Iowa and Indiana Register Sensitive Crops and Apiaries, Aerial Applications May Increase this Year, Scotts Herbicide Recall, Remember EPA Registration Numbers in Recordkeeping, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, April 2008 - Steve Baertsche Retires, 24C Label for Emerald Ash Borer, California Farmers Face Fumigation Limits, Mosquito Control Workshops, Pesticide Issues on EPA Website, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, March 2008 - Sustainable Agriculture Standard Questioned, Worker Safety Rule Change Date Extended, Wood Destroying Insect Inspection, Public Comment on Expanded List of Water Contaminants, Rule Proposed Requiring Pesticide Container Recycling, Commercial New Applicator Training Around the State, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, February 2008 - 24C Label for Sugar Beets, New Private Category 1 Study Guide, EPA Begins Process to Cancel Carbofuran, Australian Study Looks at Herbicide Resistance in Neighboring Farms, Scotts Settles with APHIS on Biotechnology Violations, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
2007 Volume 11
- Issue 10, November 2006 - Extension Educators Inservice Registration, Worker Protection Cases on the Web, EPA to certify Landscape Irrigation Professionals, Grass Deterrent to Canada Geese, EPA Announces Registration Review Schedule, Maryland Plans Release of Leaf Beetles, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, October 2006 - Calling All Extension Educators, EPA Releases New Brochure for Healthie Lawns, Candidates Considered for Endangered Species List, OSU Commercial Recertification Conferences, Exposure of Children to Pyrethroids, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, September 2006 - EPA Releases Pesticide Container and Containment Rule, Syngenta in Court Over Metolachlor, EPA Cancels Carbofuran, Study Finds Herbicides Reduce Reliance on Foreign Oil, European Ban on Atrazine, Endangered Species Process in Court, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 7, August 2006 - Clean Sweep Collection Sites, Parkinson's Disease and Pesticides, Agriculture Health Study, FQPA Increases Notices in Pesticide Crop Watch, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6,June/July 2006 - Slates Joins PEP Team, Mosquito Display Materials Available, Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection - July 26, OSU Commercial Recertification Conferences, EPA Enters Agreement with Edison Electric and Federal Agencies, Vermont Biotech Liability Bill Vetoed, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, May 2006 - USGS Releases Report about Pesticides, Maine Considers Regulations for Indoor Pest Control, Using Pesticides with Bee Advisory, Keep Household Chemicals Away from Kids, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, April 2006 - 24C Label Changes, What is Too Windy?, United Kingdom Considers Spray Drift Buffer Zones, Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, Gray Wolves may Be Removed from List, Controversy Sprouts Over Biotech Alfalfa, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, March 2006 - Risk Assessment for Rotenone, National Use Pesticide Database, Risk Assessment for Lindane, Lawsuit Regarding Azinphos-methyl and Phosmet, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, February 2006 - Progress of FQPA, Human Studies Dosing Research, Upcoming Trainings, Drift Reduction Technology, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, January 2006 - California Adds 2,4-D to List, Washington Decides Against Advanced Notice, Pyrethroids Found in Urban Streams, Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Training, Commercial New Appicator Training, Upcoming Events
2005 Volume 9
- Issue 11, December 2005 - WPS How-to-Comply Manual, WPS Fines of $39,750 Issued in Idaho, Farmer and Farm Service Lose Lawsuit, Value of Fungicides Calculated, Anti-Pesticide By-Law Defeated, Organic Seal Allowed on Non-Food Products, Upcoming Events
- Issue 10, November 2005 - EPA Unviels New Approach for Endangered Species Protection, Ohio Pesticide Applicator Fined by Court, On-Line Registration for Private Recertification Training, Educator Inservice Features Fungicide Workshop, OSU Commercial Recertification Conferences, Pesticide Fate Database Available, Rodenticides To Be Pulled from Shelves, New Class of Insecticide Announced, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, October 2005 - Pesticide Applicator Training Educator Inservice, New Educator Inservice, Some Tadpoles Affected by Roundup, CDC Report of Exposure Data, Courts Continue CWA Debate, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, September 2005 - New Educator Inservice, Commercial New Applicator School, WPS Videos Available on Web, Court Case Involving PPE, Ohio Legislation Passed Regarding Fertilizer and Seed, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 7, August 2005 - Wood Destroying Insect Inspection - Sept. 28, Farm Science Review Activities, German Cockroach Pheromone Discovered, Study on Roundup Adjuvants, USDA Sued Over Organic Seal Usage, Growers Settle Seed Dispute, Study on Newborns Released, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, July 2005 - Pesticide Container Recycling Sites Announced, Survey of Advice from Indiana Retailers, CCA Sealants, Canadian Study Shows Pesticide Residues Low, Study on Cancer and Municipal Pest Control Workers, Soybean Rust Resources, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, June 2005 - Ohio House Bill to Define Restricted Fertilizers, EPA Study on Atrazine Shows Delays in Sexual Maturity, Lawsuit Against EPA for Exposure Among Farm Children, CDC Recommends new Ingredients for Mosquito Repellents, Final Channels of Trade Policy Guidelines, Hartz Cancels Flea and Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, April/May 2005 - Court Rules in Farmers' Favor for Crop Damage, How Much are Herbicides Worth, Improved Labels for Mosquito Control Products, Children's Exposure Study Cancelled, Mosquito Vector Control Wrokshops, New Active Ingredients Registered, Label Changes Anticipated for Endangered Species, New Date for PAT Agent Inservice, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, March 2005 - April 7 is Landscape and Household Pest Inservice, Parkinsons' Studies, U.S. Joins Other Countries in Global Harmonization, EPA Assesses Cost of the Worker Protection Standard, Monsanto Purchases Fruit and Vegetable Seed Company, Georgia Cattlemen Plead Guilty to Bird Kill, EPA Annual Report Available, EPA Launches New Spanish Language Site, Beyond the Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, February 2005 - Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Training - Feb. 22, Applying Pesticides to the Waters of the U.S., California Ban on Hand Weeding, Health Updates: Are Children More Sensitive than Adults?, Mirror Images Left Behind, Pesticide Exposure and Sperm Quality, EPA Launches New Spanish Website, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, January 2005 - Commercial New Applicator Schools, Orchard Study for Environmental Impact, Cancer Classification Changed for Captan, Evaluation of Augmentative Biocontrol, Birds' Feet Used to Determine Pesticide Exposure, Brazil Attempting to Develop Rust Resistant Soybeans, Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Training - Feb. 22; Landscape and Household Pest Inservice - April 7, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
2004 Volume 8
- Issue 11, December 2004 - PAT Inservice Jan. 5 & 6, Buying Pesticides on the Internet, Carbaryl Mitigation Announced, Controversy Blowing Around GM Bentgrass, Canada Proposes Phase-Out of Citronell-Based Products, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 10, November 2004 - Fumigation Workshop for Applicators, PAT Inservice Jan. 5 & 6, Minnesota Considers Ban of Atrazine, EPA Budget Could Be Cut, California Law for Victims of Pesticide Drift, Methyl Bromide for Shipping Materials, Pesticide Sales and Usage Report Available, EPA Study on Children Draws Fire, Companies Cited for Selling Canadian Pesticides, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, October 2004 - Section 18 for Soybean Rust, Proposed Section 18 Reforms, What is Global Harmonization of Pesticide Labels?, 2, 4-D Doesn't Cause Cancer, Soil Fumigants Cluster Review, Children and Pesticides, Beyond the Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 8, September 2004 - Diazinon Sales Stop December 31, Time Running Out for CCA, Does It Cause Cancer?, Methoxychlor is Cancelled, Proposed Rule for Methyl Bromide, EPA Cancels Fenvalerate, Beyond the Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Dates for Recertification
- Issue 7, August 2004 - Comment Period for Pesticide Containers and Containment, Active Ingredients under Assessment, What is a Pesticide?, Change in Endangered Species Policy, New Funding for Turfgrass Research, Beyond the Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, July 2004 - California Pesticide Education Office to Close, Mosquito Vector Control Wrap-Up, 2,4-D Comment Period, Dispute over 2,4-D Application, Methyl Parathion Reassessment Issued, Fines Levied to Indiana Retailers, California Considers Law to Aid Victims of Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, June 2004 - Washington Starts Testing for Farm Workers, Carbamates Begin Cumulative Assessment, Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Training, Training for School Districts and Public Personnel a Success, Agricultural Health Study Extended, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 4, May 2004 - Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, EPA Pulls More Funding from Pesticide Safety Education Programs, Study on Glyphosate Exposures, Chemical Theft in Iowa, Study of Children's Response to Environmental Factors, Model Developed to Predict Environmental Impact, Beyond the Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 3, April 2004 - Community Mosquito Management Conference, Mark Your Calendars, Hearing Set for Revised Pesticide Regulations, Eastern States Introduce New Regulations, Drift Incident Basis of Lawsuit, Legislations Sought for Clean Water Act Exemptions, Vector Control Workshops, Beyond the Drift, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 2, March 2004 - West Nile Virus Satellite Conference, Counterfeit Pet Products, 24c Label Changes, Free Ohio Program for Schools/Public Agencies, Do GM Crops Affect Pesticide Usage?, Organic Farmers May Be Exempted from Fees, Community Mosquito Management Conference, Beyond the Drift..., Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 1, February 2004 - 24c Label Changes, Free Ohio Program for Schools/Public Agencies, Dow AgroSciences Researches Settlement, Crosote Preliminary Risk Assessment, Endangered Species Receiving Attentions, Agriuclture Health Study Paper Available, StarLink Allergy?, Greenpeace Petition Regarding GE Crops, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
2003 Volume 7
- Issue 12, December, 2003 - PAT Agent Inservice, Fewer People Reading Pesticide Labels, North Carolina Rejects Lowering Drift Allowance, Pesticide Detection in Saliva, Beyond the Drift..., Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 11, November 2003 - EPA Completes Scientific Reviews of Atrazine, Aerial Applicator Fined for Drift, An Example of 25B Pesticides, Don't Treat Swallowed Poison with Syrup of Ipecac, Survey Shows Little Resistance to B.t. Toxin, Farmers Affected by USDOT Regulations, Health News, CAST Releases IPM Report, Beyond the Drift..., Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 10, October 2003 - PAT Agent Inservice, Voluntary Cancellation of Creosote, Atrazine in the News, Again, DuPont Shifts Focus to Insecticides, Test for Pesticide Exposure in the Womb, Methyl Parathion Study on the Web, Plantibodies from Tobacco, EPA Approval Sought for Mycofumigant, City Can't Protect Prairie Dogs
- Issue 9, September 2003 - Pesticide Education Program Staff Goodbyes, Commercial REcertification Conferences Scheduled, Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Training, Possible Alternative for Methyl Bromide, Household Products Database on the web, Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Study, European Precautionary Principle Comes to U.S., Denmark to Restrict Glyphosate, Massachusetts Plans to Lift Ban on Roadside Herbicides, Research Study Calls for New Regulations on Home Use Pesticides, When It Rains on Your Parade
- Issue 8, August 2003 - Crisis Emergency Exemption for Topsin M, Funding Cuts for Pesticide Programs May Be Eminent, EPA Releases Guidance on Aquatic Applications, Ohio Community Bans Spraying for West Nile Virus, Some Carbaryl Uses to be Cancelled, Pesticide Development Costs Increasing, Publication on Pesticide Sales and Use, Ohio Makes Toxics Release Inventory List, EPA Issues Stop Sale Orders
- Issue 7, July 2003 - Section 18 for Huron County, Diazinon Cancellation by Syngenta, Ohio Pesticide Product Database, Atrazine and Frogs, Whitman Resigns as Head of EPA, Insect Repellent May Pose Cancer Risk, Mosquiot/Vector Control Workshops Completed, Reducing Mosquito Breeding Sites Display Available, Moonshine Whiskey Could be Hazardous to Your Health, AAPSE Elects Officers, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 6, June 2003 - Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, Federal Funding for Pesticide Applicator Training in Jeopardy, Wood Destroying Insect Inspection, EPA Considers Appealing to the Supreme Court, Pesticide Link Evaluated for Prostate Cancer Risk, Farmer Serving Prison Time for Hiding Seed, Warning for Lice Control with Lindane, Residual Chemicals May Not Pose Risk, Comment Period for Emergency Exemptions, Genome Research Project Begins, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 5, May 2003 - Mosquito Vector Control Workshops, EPA Withdraws 2000 TMDL Rule, Activist Groups Focus on State and Local Issues, Monsanto Faces Challenges, Bt Research on Nematodes, Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, Free Pesticide Safety Materials, Disease Alert, Ohio Section 18s and 24(c) Labels for 2003, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 4, April 2003 - Community Mosquito Conference, Container Recycling Schedule Released, Atrazine Comment Period Begins, Ozone for Stored Grain, Garden Center Reminder, Emerald Ash Borer, Satellite Conference Recieved National Attention, Organic Pesticide Product Labels, Mosquito Magnet Company Fined, Fish-Tissue Study Looks at Long-Term Effects, Dead Birds in Georgia Baiting Incident
- Issue 3, March 2003 - New Head of Pesticide Section at ODA, West Nile Virus Satellite Conference, Field Crops Study Guide is Available, Atrazine Information Available, Growers Need to Prevent Insect Resistance, States Deal with Shrinking Budgets, Growers Warned of Telemarketers, States Looking to Reduce Pesticides, Senators Send Letter Supporting FIFRA, Non-English Pesticide Label Debate, Health Issues
- Issue 2, February 2003 - Growers Request Reconsideration of Diazinon, Inert Ingredients List Changes, European Commission Bans 320 Active Ingredients, The Mosquito Buzz, Organic Debate, Beware of Winter Contracts, Children and Pesticides, Hartz Must Create New Labeling
- Issue 1, January 2003 - Agents Prepared for Private Applicator Training, Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection, West Nile Virus Vaccination for Horses, Comment Period on Endangered Species Protection Program, Toronto Contemplates Pesticide Reduction, EPA Reclassifies 1,3-butadiene as Carcinogen, Private Applicator Regulation Reminders, Commercial New Applicator School
2002 Volume 6
- Issue 12, December 2002 - PAT Agent Inservice, Clean Water Act Affecting Pesticide Applications, Efficacy Legal Case Could Go to U.S. Supreme Court, Adulticide Controversy, Pesticide Reporting System Short of Funds, No Solid Link Between 2,4-D and Cancer, Methyl Parathion Study of Children in Ohio and Mississippi, Debunking the Myths of Pesticides, Feminized Frogs Blamed on Atrazine, Companies Ordered to Stop Marketing Hospital Disinfectants, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 11, November 2002 - PAT Agent Inservice, Efficacy Legal Case, Streamlining Section 18s Proposed, Drift Labeling Proposal Postponed, States Reject Termiticide Registration, USDA Conducts Extension Agent Survey, Fewer Pesticide Poisonings in California, CCA-Treated Wood Update, Legislation Introduced Against Invasive Species, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 10, October 2002 - Turf Uses of Clopyralid Deleted, Methoprene for Controlling Mosquitoes in Water Troughs, Bt Crop Update, WPS Update, Carbaryl Assessment Available, Urban Pesticide Survey, European Group Gets Cooked Up about Herbicides, Snakehead Drama Plays Out, Australia Plans to Compensate for Environmental Regulations, Pesticide Crop Watch, Upcoming Events
- Issue 9, September 2002 - Atrazine Deadline Extended, Chemical Security Act May Affect Rural Dealers, Organophosphate Update - replacements, update on selected OPs, Tolerance Reassessment Progress, No Link Found Between Breast Cancer and Pesticides, "Silent Spring" Legacy Questioned, Blood Screening Program Debated, Other Mosquito News, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 8, August 2002 - Vinegar Weed Control, Non-English Labels, Imports of Lower-Cost Canadian Pesticides, Mosquito Trap Recalled, Quebec Plans to Ban Non-Agricultural Pesticides, Pesticide Residues on Fruits and Vegetables, Food Safety Article on the Web, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 7, July 2002 - Drift Labeling Hearings this Summer, Sprayer Boom Available for Field Days, Mosquito Season is Here, EPA Indicates Remaining Organophosphates are Safe, Methyl Bromide Update, Lawsuit to be Filed over Herbicide Application in New England, Borate Use Increases in Homes, Canada Creates Initiative for Minor-Use Pesticides, Man Fined for Baiting Coyotes, Save the Children with DDT, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 6, June 2002 - Updated Training Materials on Website, Atrazine Comment Period Begins, Chlorpyrifos Still in Stores, Final Rule on Commercial Licensing Date Changes, Misleading Pesticide Product Names Comment Period, No School IPM in Farm Bill, Spray Tip Guides Online, DEET and West Nile Virus, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 5, May 2002 - Pesticide Education Program Website is Searchable, Harsh Criticism of Label Language, EPA Clarifies Aquatic Herbicide Permit Requirements, Lady Beetles Being Released to Save Hemlocks, Ohio Begins Gypsy Moth Program, Mexico Launches Pesticide Safety Training, Reminders for Pesticide Security, National Data Tracking Bill Introduced, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 4, April 2002 - Ohio 24c Additions, Technology Update, Applicators Could Face Fines for Label Violations, Ohio Pesticide Law Changes Move to House, Methyl Bromide Alternatives Sought, Mosquito Insecticides Face Obstacles, Pesticide Estimate Deemed on Tract, Interactive Cockroach Activity Book, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 3, March 2002 - Jeopardy (tm) Label Game, Tainted Compost Controversy, Acephate Status, Terbufos Label Revisions Identified, CCA Wood Preservation Timeline, Maine Considers Limiting Arsenic Amount in Fertilizer, Beware of Internet Opportunities, School IPM Update, Organic Flowers Brought to Market Bloom, Making PowerPoint Files Smaller
- Issue 2, February 2002 - What Are All the Complaints About?, Michigan Offers Emergency Farm Planning, Minnesota Offers Certification Testing Online, Headwater v. Talent - 10 Months Later, SEPA Defeated in Committee, Deadline Looms for Organically Used Pesticides, British Consumers More Skeptical or Organic Foods, Virginia Turf Survey, Cancellations and Modifications of Dimethoate, Disulfoton and Naled
- Issue 1, January 2002 - "Caution" May Be Removed from Some Labels, EPA Considers Ethics of Human Subjects, Sales of Unregistered Anthrax Pesticide Products Stopped, Groups Petition EPA to Ban Wood Preservatives, Pending Chemical Legislation a Result of Terrorism, Organophosphate Cumulative Risk Assessment Set for Release, Scientist Falsified Research, Hispanic Farm Workers Face Cancer Risk - Report Says, Pesticide Crop Watch
2001 Special Issues
- FQPA Update (December, 2001)
- Insecticide Cancellation Update Fact Sheet (June, 2001)
2001 Volume 5
- Issue 10 December 2001 - News from Pesticide Education Program, Final Guidance on Disposal Language, IPM Efforts Lack Oversight, Bt Update, Soil Bacteria Can Destroy Pesticides, Arsenic Standard Set at 10 ppb, New Fact Sheets & Websites from EPA, Poison Control Nationwide Number, Pesticide Crop Watch
- Issue 9 November 2001 - Indiana Institutes Regulation for Retailers, EPA Gives Guidelines for Resistance Management on Labels, Pesticide-Related Enforcement Action, Legal Cases Involving Pesticide Use, Study Links Pesticides to Ill Health in Florida Workers, Pesticide Crop Watch, IR-4 Additions to labels for Ornamentals
- Issue 8 October 2001 - EPA Announces Comment Period for Drift Labeling, Thiophanate-Methyl Risk Assessments, Pesticide Security is Important
- Issue 7 September 2001 - Orchard Spray Guide Available, Expanding PEP-Talk, WPS Burden Calculated, Resistance Management Labeling, Bt Update, PIPs Rule, EPA Announces Pesticide Groupds, Pesticide Crop Watch, New Agent's Corner
- Issue 6 August 2001 - Farm Science Review, Commercial Applicator School Changes, Forest Images, Oregon Requiring Permits to Apply Aquatic Herbicides, Residents Required to Obtain Pesticide Permits, Environmental Group Fears Retailer Sales
- Issue 5 July 2001 - Legislation Pending to Change Ohio Pesticide Law, U.S. Senate Passes Amendment for IPM in Schools, CCA Debate Heats Up, Seed Treatment Study Materials, New Agent Corner: FQPA and Pesticide Cancellations, Why Is It Being Cancelled?
- Issue 4 June 2001 - Five-Year WPS Training, Atrazine Update, School Pesticide Bill in Washington, Pesticide & Health Update, New Agent's Corner
- Issue 3 May 2001 - Phase-Out of Benomyl Announced, Aquatic Herbicide Ruling, E-Commerce, Drift Language for Labels, Read the Label First!
- Issue 2 April 2001 - Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Ohio 24(c) Labels, Wood Destroying Insect Inspectors, Spray Boom Available, New Agent's Corner
- Issue 1 March 2001 - Retailer Regulation for Chlorpyrifos, 2002 PAT Agent Inservice, Anti-Herbicide Policy Impacts School District, Resources, New Agent's Corner
1999 Volume 4
- Issue 1 May 1999 - Pesticide Law Changes, Pesticide School Reporting Form
1998 Volume 3
- Issue 5 May 1998 - Tilt, FQPA, Cancer, Respirators, EXTOXNET, Fungicide, DEET, Preservatives
- Issue 4 April 1998 - Mesurol SLN, PAT Dates, FQPA, Organophospates, United Nations, PDP Summary
- Issue 3 March 1999 - Ohio Section 18, Key Pesticides Threatened by FQPA, FQPA Action Itinerary, FQPA Brochures, WPS Enclosed Cab, School District Banning Pesticides, "Super Agency" Proposed, The Ground Never Lies, Grants
- Issue 2 February 1998 - Ohio 24c, WPS, Total Release Pesticide Foggers, Inerts, Cancer Risk, Internet Sites
- Issue 1 February 1998 - EWG Report, Methamidophos, Right-to-know,Organic Program, WPS, Internet Sites