Yellow groove bamboo (Phyllostachys aureasculata)
Description: Yellow groove bamboo is a hardy perennial that can reach 15'-25' in height, with narrow with thin side branches. It is commonly planted as an ornamental, where it grows rapidly and can quickly take over an area.
Life Cycle: Rhizomatous perennial.
Habitat: Does well in full sun but can grow in shade. Since it was primarily used as landscape plant, it can be found spreading where it has been planted.
Leaves: Grass-like, 3"-6" long, olive-green in color and lance-shaped.
Stems: Stems have dark green culms with yellow stripes, grooved at nodes. Leaf stalks extend throughout stem.
Flower: Usually does not flower.
Fruit: Produces viable seed, but most commonly spread through rhizomes.
Root: Running rhizomes.
The problem is… fast grower, has running rhizomes that causes it to spread quickly, producing dense stands.