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Pesticide Safety Education Program

Ohio State University Extension


Yellow groove bamboo (Phyllostachys aureasculata)

Yellow groove bamboo (Phyllostachys aureasculata

Description: Yellow groove bamboo is a hardy perennial that can reach 15'-25' in height, with narrow with thin side branches. It is commonly planted as an ornamental, where it grows rapidly and can quickly take over an area.

Life Cycle: Rhizomatous perennial.

Habitat: Does well in full sun but can grow in shade. Since it was primarily used as landscape plant, it can be found spreading where it has been planted.

Leaves: Grass-like, 3"-6" long, olive-green in color and lance-shaped.

Stems: Stems have dark green culms with yellow stripes, grooved at nodes. Leaf stalks extend throughout stem.

Flower: Usually does not flower.

Fruit: Produces viable seed, but most commonly spread through rhizomes.

Root: Running rhizomes.

The problem is… fast grower, has running rhizomes that causes it to spread quickly, producing dense stands.  

Yellow groove bamboo plants, Caryn Rickel, Institute of Invasive Bamboo Research.

Yellow groove bamboo growing through fence, Mary Rose, Pesticide Safety Education Program.

Yellow groove bamboo stem, Mary Rose, Pesticide Safety Education Program.