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Pesticide Safety Education Program

Ohio State University Extension


Water Hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus)

Water Hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus)

Description: Erect plant up to 8' in height.  Highly variable in shape and color, ranging from yellowish green, dark green to reddish green, with hairless stems.

Life Cycle: Annual

Habitat: Crop fields, disturbed areas. Prefers poorly drained soils.

Leaves: Small, lanceolate shaped glossy leaves, alternate in arrangement, 0.5"-6" long.

Flower: Narrow bracts arranged in spikes with pointed tips and no petals.

Fruit: Ovoid capsules that split cleanly around the middle to release the seed.

Root: Taproot with secondary fibrous roots.

The problem is… produces many seeds and can be pollinated over long distances. When present, it significantly reduces crop yields.

Water hemp seedling, Doug Doohan, Ohio State University/ OARDC.

Water hemp plant, Ohio State Weed Lab , The Ohio State University.

Water hemp leaf (right) side by side with palmer amaranth leaf (left), Mary Ann Rose, Pesticide Safety Education Program.

Water hemp, Les Ober, OSUE.

Water hemp

Water hemp stem variation, Les Ober, OSUE.