Hedge bindweed (Castyegia sepium)
Description: A rhizomatous perennial with long climbing or trailing viny stems, 3'-10' long.
Life Cycle: Perennial
Habitat: Rich, moist, lowland areas, a weed of landscapes, nurseries, row crops, fences, and hedges
Leaves: Large, alternate, triangular-oblong with pointed tip and heart-shaped base. Exact leaf shape can vary.
Flower: 5 white petals fused into a funnel shaped tube, 1.5"-2" in diameter.
Fruit: Egg-shaped to round capsules with 2-4 seeds. Each seed is grey to black with 2 flattened sides.
Root: Extensive, shallow rhizomes
The problem is…native to eastern United States but has spread throughout the United States. Twines around vegetation or other objects.