CFAES Give Today
Pesticide Safety Education Program

Ohio State University Extension


Shatter cane (Sorghum bicolor)

Shatter cane (Sorghum bicolor)

Description: Shattercane is a weed sorghum with a broad genetic base. It is believed that natural crossing between diverse sorghum types produced the present day shattercane. There is considerable variation in this species and mature plants may range from 4'-12' in height.

Life cycle: Summer annual

Habitat: Cultivated fields – especially cereal crops.

Leaf: 1"-2.5" wide blades with white mid-veins. Leaves are rolled in the bud with a ligule that is membranous at the base and fringed at the top. Base of leaf blade is usually hairy.

Stem: Smooth, robust, and purple-spotted with tillers produced at the crown.

Fruit: Seedhead is a large, open panicle, usually hairy along the main axis. Seeds are shiny, oblong, and black-red at maturity.

Root: Fibrous root system; often forms adventitious roots from nodes or tillers.

The problem is….aggressive, rapid growth. Competitive with crops it can seriously reduce yields and marketability.

shatter cane young plant


field in summer

mature plant in late summer

mature field

Shatter cane, Bruce Ackley, The Ohio State University.
