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Pesticide Safety Education Program

Ohio State University Extension


Palmer amaranth (Amaranthys palmeri)

Palmer amaranth (Amaranthys palmeri)

Description: Dense, compact terminal panicles and relatively tall plants (usually 6'-8' but can reach 10') with alternately arranged leaves and peitoles that are longer than the leaves and grow symmetrically around the stem. 

Life cycle: Summer annual

Habitat: Native grasslands, pastures, fields, disturbed areas, waste areas, open woods, meadows, and roadsides.

Leaf: Alternate without hairs, and lance-shaped or eggshaped in outline. Leaves occur on relatively long petioles.

Stem: One central stem occurs from which several lateral branches arise.

Flower: Small, green, inconspicuous flowers are produced in dense, compact, and terminal panicles. Male and female flowers occur on separate plants.

Fruit: Single seeded utricle with black to dark brown seed. A plant can produce up to one million seeds.

Root: Taproot with an extensive fiberous root system.

The problem is….this aggressive plant adds to the seed-bank and it is toxic to livestock.

Palmer amaranth seedling, Ackley.

Palmer amaranth mature plant, Ross Recker.

Palmer Amaranth leaf (left) side by side with water hemp leaf (right), Mary Ann Rose, Pesticide Safety Education Program.

Palmer amaranth seedhead, Rose.