Palmer amaranth (Amaranthys palmeri)
Description: Dense, compact terminal panicles and relatively tall plants (usually 6'-8' but can reach 10') with alternately arranged leaves and peitoles that are longer than the leaves and grow symmetrically around the stem.
Life cycle: Summer annual
Habitat: Native grasslands, pastures, fields, disturbed areas, waste areas, open woods, meadows, and roadsides.
Leaf: Alternate without hairs, and lance-shaped or eggshaped in outline. Leaves occur on relatively long petioles.
Stem: One central stem occurs from which several lateral branches arise.
Flower: Small, green, inconspicuous flowers are produced in dense, compact, and terminal panicles. Male and female flowers occur on separate plants.
Fruit: Single seeded utricle with black to dark brown seed. A plant can produce up to one million seeds.
Root: Taproot with an extensive fiberous root system.
The problem is….this aggressive plant adds to the seed-bank and it is toxic to livestock.