Mile-a-minute weed (Polygonum perfoliatum)
Description: Mile-a-minute weed is a herbaceous, trailing vine growing up to 24' in length, in the buckwheat family. Reddish stem are armed with downward pointing hoods or barbs.
Life cycle: Summer annual
Habitat: Right-of ways, edges of woods, wetlands, stream banks, roadsides and uncultivated open fields.
Leaf: Alternate, waxy, light green colored leaves with rough leaf margins, triangular to heart-shaped. A leaf-like sheath encircles the base of the stem.
Stem: Reddish in color with prickles 1-2 mm long.
Flower: Small, white and general inconspicuous, blooming late July to August.
Fruit: Attractive, berry-like, metallic blue and segmented, segments contain black or reddish-black seed.
Root: Shallow, fibrous root system.
The problem is...grows rapidly, scrambling over shrubs and other vegetation, blocking the foliage of covered from light. It is a threat to forest regeneration and infests recreational and residential areas.