Johnsongrass (Sorgum halepense)
Description: A tall rhizomatous grass in the Grass family (Poaceae) that grows in dense clumps or nearly solid stands. Johnsongrass form thickm aggressive rhyzomes and stems can reach up to 8' in height.
Life cycle: Perennial
Habitat: Occurs in crop fields, pastures, abandoned fields, rights-of-way, forest edges, ditches and wetlands. It thrives in open, disturbed, rich, bottom ground, particularly in cultivated fields.
Leaf: Smooth lanceolate with a white mid vein, 5"-20" long.
Stem: Smooth, pink to rusty red near the base.
Flower: Large, loosely branched, purplish, hairypanicles.
Root: Fiberous root system with thick rhizomes are found close to the soil surface. They are stout with purple spots and scales at the nodes.
The problem is….Johnsongrass spreads aggressively and can form dense colonies, displacing native vegetation and restricting tree seedling establishment.