Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Description: A herb in the carrot family (Apiaceae), growing 15'-20' in height in large clusters. Sap may cause servere skin irritation.
Life cycle: Biennial
Habitat: Along railroads, roadsides, rights-of-ways, vacant lots, streams, rivers, uncultivated or waste lands and agriculture areas.
Leaf: Leaflets may expand to three feet in breadth.
Stem: Hollow stalks and stems light green with purple blotches throughout.
Flower: Large white inflorescences that can grow up to 2.2' in diameter.
Fruit: Large elliptic dry fruit, seeds orange and 0.5" in length
Root: Extensive taproot.
The problem is….an aggressive competitor. It outcompetes native plant species because of its size, rapid growth and heavy seed production. It contains a substance within its sap that makes the skin sensitive to ultra violet light which is a public health hazard. Large watery blisters usually appear 15 to 20 hours after contact with the sap and sunlight.