Apple of Peru (Nicandra physalodes)
Description: An annual weed in the tomato family, 2'-5' in height, reproducing only by seed. Weeds continuously (spring, summer, and fall) in agriculture fields if sufficient moisture is available.
Life Cycle: Hardy annual
Habitat: Soybean and vegetable fields
Leaves: Full leaves with jagged edges, alternatly arranged, up to 8" long and 4" across.
Stem: Branching
Flower: Pale violet bell-shaped flower, 1–1½" across when fully open.
Fruit: Green-brown berries with papery inflated calyxes
Root: Short taproot
The problem is…. a prolific seed producer. Large, persistent seed-banks quickly accumulate in the soil due to seed dormancy. Very competitive with soybeans and vegetable crops also has a low sensitivity to most commonly used herbicides.