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Pesticide Safety Education Program

Ohio State University Extension


Private Categories

Private Pesticide Applicator Categories

The categories depend on the site or crop where you are applying the pesticides. For example, if you are applying to corn and soybeans, the category would be grain and cereal crops (category 1).

1 - Grain and Cereal Crops

Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to agronomic field crops including, but not limited to, corn, grain, sorghums, other small grains, soybeans, and sweet corn; and application of specialty uses.

2 - Forage Crops and Livestock

Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to crops grown primarily for use as hay, forage, fodder, or ensilage, and includes, but not limited to, such crops as corn and legumes, and to domestic animals which are held as agricultural commodities and their quarters; and application of specialty uses.

3 - Fruit and Vegetable Crops

Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to orchard fruit crops, and small fruits including, but not limited to, strawberries, brambles, and grapes, field-grown vegetables, sugar beets, sweet corn, and other horticultural crops grown primarily for human consumption; and application of specialty uses.

4 - Nursery and Forest Crops

Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to commercial nursery crops including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, grasses, and herbaceous plants produced for replanting for their ornamental value or for future fruit production; and tree crops produced for use as Christmas trees or for their utilitarian value; and application of specialty uses.

5 - Greenhouse Crops

Applications of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to crops grown for food production or ornamental value under an impervious surface large enough to permit worker entry; and application of specialty uses. Note: This category includes high tunnels as well as greenhouses.

6 - Fumigation

Application of restricted-use fumigants to soil, grain storage, greenhouse areas or any other confined areas; and application of specialty uses.

7 - Specialty Uses

Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, for purposes not covered in the above categories, including, but not limited to, applications for wood preservation, aqua culture, seed treatment, sod production, and for controlling pests of tobacco, hops, ponds, and non-cropland areas. Applicator only needs this category if he or she does NOT hold one or more of the above categories (1-6). Any of the categories 1-6 will allow application of restricted-use pesticides for specialty uses.