Below is a listing of the study materials available to prepare for the private applicator exams. Some of the study materials are available from your county OSU Extension Office. Others can be downloaded from this website.
Some educators choose to keep hard copies on hand, while others print them out and may charge a printing fee. It is up to the county to determine what they charge and what study materials they have on hand. Core and Category 1 is availalbe to purchase via OSU Extension Publications.
(Viewing the pdf of study materials requires the most recent version of Adobe Reader -free download)
- Core Information
- 1 - Grain and Cereal Crops
- 2 - Forage Crops and Livestock
- 3 - Fruit and Vegetable Crops
- 4 - Nursery and Forest Crops
- 5 - Greenhouse Crops
- 6 - Fumigation
- 7 - Specialty Uses
- Additional References
Core Information |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam)
1 - Grain and Cereal Crops - Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to agronomic field crops including, but not limited to, corn, grain, sorghums, other small grains, soybeans, and sweet corn. |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam)
2 - Forage Crops and Livestock - Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to crops grown primarily for use as hay, forage, fodder, or ensilage, and includes, but not limited to, such crops as corn and legumes, and to domestic animals which are held as agricultural commodities and their quarters. |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam)
3 - Fruit and Vegetable Crops - Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to orchard fruit crops, and small fruits including, but not limited to, strawberries, brambles, and grapes, field-grown vegetables, sugar beets, sweet corn, and other horticultural crops grown primarily for human consumption. |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam)
4 - Nursery and Forest Crops - Application of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to commercial nursery crops including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, grasses, and herbaceous plants produced for replanting for their ornamental value or for future fruit production; and tree crops produced for use as Christmas trees or for their utilitarian value; and application of specialty uses. |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam) |
5 - Greenhouse Crops - Applications of restricted-use pesticides, except fumigants, to crops grown for food production or ornamental value under an impervious surface large enough to permit worker entry. |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam)
6 - Fumigation - Application of restricted-use fumigants to soil, grain storage, greenhouse areas or any other confined areas. |
Recommended Materials (Most helpful to prepare for exam) |
Additional ResourcesAdditional Core References (More in-depth on subject matters)
Additional Grain and Cereal Crop References (More in-depth on subject matters)
Additional Forage Crop and Livestock References (More in-depth on subject matters)
Additional Fruit and Vegetable crop References (More in-depth on subject matters)
Additional Nursery and Forest Crop References (More in-depth on subject matters) Additional Greenhouse Crop References (More in-depth on subject matters)
Additional Fumigation References (More in-depth on subject matters)
**This publication is only available from your local county Extension office. List of county offices and phone numbers. |