Commercial Pesticide Exam Preparation Courses:
Commercial Core Exam (12 Modules) - free
These lessons will help an applicator prepare for the state pesticide applicator Core Exam.
For Ohio Pesticide Law see: free pdf file of the Trained Serviceperson Bulletin. The introduction and last chapter contains Ohio and Federal Laws and Regulations.
- Pest Management
- Federal Pesticide Laws
- Pesticide labeling
- Pesticide Formulations
- Pesticide Hazards and First Aid
- Pesticide Personal Protective Equipment
- Pesticides in the Environment
- Pesticide Storage, Transportation and Security
- Pesticide Emergency Response
- Planning the Pesticide Application
- Pesticide Application Procedures
- Professional Conduct
Commercial Category 2c: Agronomic Weeds Exam (yOUTUBE VIDEO) - FREE
Private Pesticide Exam Preparation Course:
Private Core Exam (7 modules) - free
Currently for private applicators, we only have an online training available for the Private Core exam prep. Please check back in the near future to find additional trainings for other private applicator categories.
- Pest Management Prinicples
- Laws and Regulations
- Applicator Safety
- Pesticides and the Environment
- Handling and Storage
- Pesticide Label
- Application, Calibration and Calculations
Private Category 1 Grain and Cereal Crops Exam Prep Course
This course is intended to help individuals prepare for Ohio's private pesticide applicator license exam in Category 1: Grain and Cereal Crops. This course will cover the key topics you will need to know for this exam, including the principles of pest management; agronomic pests, environmental concerns, pesticide calculations, and understanding pesticide labels. This course is not intended to cover every pest of importance to grain and cereal crop growers in Ohio but does cover all that can be expected to appear on the exam.
There are NO refunds issued for this course.